I think, especially at Christian schools or colleges, we focus so much on the nonessentials that we are missing the point. In the long run, all of this study of eschatology and typology and deeper Biblical meanings and methods of evangelism and baptism and worship and whatnot are good, but aren't truly essential.
Barlowgirl sings, "At the end of it all, I want to be in Your arms." When it really comes down to the end, where are we? Are we debating if the last chapter of Mark was original or are we sitting on God's lap and breathing him in? When your last day comes, will you tell Jesus how you aced your Hermeneutics exam? Or will you tell him about the people he used you to love? When you go to sleep at night, are you satisfied that you truly convinced the atheist about God's existence or satisfied that Jesus loves you, unconditionally, and has blessed you with the desire to show others his love?
Don't get me wrong, it's a blessing to be here at a Christian college and get the chance to learn my faith and prove it. But have I been missing the most important part?
Recently, I've been getting a weird feeling in worship and prayer and I asked God, "What are you doing? What's going on in my life?" And this morning God said, "Alex, stop trying so hard. Just sit here in me. Breathe me in. Relax and let me do something beautiful."
That's what I'm getting at. Yes, we should study the Bible and Christianity. Yes, we should love and serve and support others. But we should do so out of an intimate relationship and deep love with God.