My favorite things include traveling, reading, knitting, playing piano, dancing, cooking, and writing. I like genealogies, maps, hand-written cards, old books, some good Shakespeare, flowy-skirts, crafts, salmon caesar salads, Sonic’s Happy Hour, and acoustic worship. I pronounce Pinterest like “pinner-est” and I have a hard time passing up a good chai latte. I’m an introverted people-person with an INFJ on the Meyers-Briggs.
When not writing lesson plans or analyzing literature, I am entering data and making mailings to recruit future students to my college, playing with little kids at church, or having a coffee-shop conversation with a dear friend.
Check Out My Blogs:
LosingMyself – Where I write about identity, singleness, and faith
30Before30 With Alex – Reaching thirty challenging goals before I turn thirty
One Creative Outlet – Recipes, Pinterest Ideas, and More
Alex’s Adventures in Asia – Preparing for my next trip overseas in Spring 2014
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