Thursday, January 13, 2011

Going Skydiving

Eric Ludy writes, "God is asking, 'How seriously are you going to trust me?'" How seriously are you trusting God? Do we really believe that God is enough? That he works everything out for good? That he is supreme and everywhere and all powerful? That we can rely on him for anything and everything?

We may say that we believe God is all powerful, but then we worry and doubt the outcome of a situation. That's normal, but it's not right. If God is really all powerful, what can't he do?
Likewise, we'll tell our friends, "Oh, yeah, God loves you and he's going to work out everything out for your good" then we complain or freak out as soon as plans change.

How seriously are you trusting God?

A friend once told me: "The opposite of faith is fear." Are you afraid? 1 Timothy tells us that God did not give us "a spirit of timidity", but one of "power, love, and self-discipline". In actuality, with God we have nothing to fear, because if God is for us, who can be against us?

So be willing to trust God. Ask him to give you the ability and desire to rely on him, to depend on him, to be less afraid and more faithful. God is faithful to us, and never failed us. He will never let you down. Give him your trust. Truly, unashamedly, ask him to show you how to trust, how to let go of the airplane and jump out so you can actually experience sky-diving. Ask him to give you a perfect opportunity to do so.

Often times we give a lot of our lives to God, but we hold back something for ourselves. Maybe this is your school work, your friendships, your romantic relationships, your speech or thoughts. Listen, God wants it all. Go sky-diving in every part of your life! Wrap it up in a box and set it at God's feet. Treat each issue of your life the same - an issue to bring before God and ask for his grace about. No problem is any different than the others.

So... How seriously are you willing to trust God? How seriously are you depending on him, relying on him, needing him for everything?

Trust him.

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