Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Going For It (A Call to Action!)

What if you asked God what he wanted you to do? And then actually did it? Like, actually took steps in the direction of obedience to God instead of ignoring his opened doors for you?

I was over at a friend's blog, A Work in Progress, reading and being encouraged by her thoughts, and I came across this question: "What would you be willing to do for Christ if you KNEW you could not fail?" A speaker had asked this question at an FCA meeting she attended, and she wrote a post about it.
When I read that, I felt really challenged, but also a bit frightened by the thought. If I knew, without a doubt, that all I needed was God, that I would not encounter any failed attempts, that everything would be successful, I would go for it! I can just imagine everything I would do! My friend, Katie, wrote that she was considering going to Africa. Wow. Just imagine - how God could use you if you let him!

A while ago, I asked God what he wanted me to do. I was feeling like God had given me a great reminder of his love, and all these blessings and encouragements, and I wasn't doing anything to give back to him. At the same time, I felt like if I jumped out and did anything (seemingly "on my own" without God saying "Alex, do this!"), I would fail. A friend asked me to consider how I would react if God's response was always "Yes". As in, if it's a good thing, I should go for it and watch intently for God to open or close doors. God may not speak audibly to you and say: "Hey Alex, I want you to go here and say this and then do this." Nope. He may give you a command in something a friend says, an idea, a sermon or message. And the good news is that he gives us friends and pastors and mentors who will help us confirm what God wants for us.
And that is exactly what I did, and God opened the doors for me to coordinate a group of students at my college who have, so far, organized and led two ministries to our campus - simple ways to show love to our fellow students.

Some time later, I was feeling slightly depressed about my singleness. If you've ever been the only single girl or guy in a group of people, you know how I felt! But I didn't want to let that stop me. The thing that got to me was: God can and wants to do incredible things in me and through me before I have a guy in my life. So I asked: "God, what can I do for you, your glory, to minister to your people, as a single lady?" Not only did I then read the blog post I mentioned above, but God also began showing me some awesome things.
For one, a friend of mine asked if I would be interested in taking on a leadership role in the Bible study / small group ministry he started at our college. I was honored and impressed, and God said, "Here. Here's something you can do for my glory while you're single." What a blessing! In addition, I began attending a group on campus for the prevention of Human Trafficking. The involvement I have with that club, and the possibility I have for future further involvement, like becoming an officer, is another thing God's shown me. And finally, I knew that something I could definitely do more of while single was missions trips. I learned about a mission trip opportunity this morning that I'm considering.

Okay, now don't get me wrong. Through this and because of this (and especially in that period where I didn't hear God), I learned that I'm going for it and I'm taking action, not to appease God, not to make God love me more, not to perform... But out of gratitude for what God has done for me. I'm thanking God for how amazing he is and offering my life to him. This is the first step of many steps to actually obeying God. To doing what he commands.

God wants to use you to do something incredible in this world. Will you let him?

Brothers and sisters, because of God’s compassion toward us, I encourage you to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to him. This kind of worship is appropriate for you. Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect.

(Romans 12:1-2, GWT)

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