Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Temple Tuesday... Wednesday

I'm sorry about the late Temple Tuesday, but I moved into college yesterday and did not get a free moment at all!
Thinking about college recently has left me thinking about who I am, which has led me to question the things I do and the way I interact with people. I need quiet time, so sometimes I feel like I am rude to say no to activities or not hang out with other people 24/7. It's just that I have to have time to regroup. And, especially at orientation week at college, I feel like I'm supposed to always be doing something with someone, and that it would be selfish to ask for some time alone.
I also feel like I should be more friendly, more outgoing, more talkative, and more sociable. Which is not to say that I haven't been meeting lots of new people, just that I'm not a naturally extroverted person.

And in the midst of this, I can hear God. Through a song. See, we are not called to be the life of the party or a wall flower. We are not called to be the star on the sports team or in the band or at the school. Just in general, we are called to love God. To know him and love him.
Now, God might call you to play soccer or baseball or guitar or piano or act in the play or join this random club... But our goal in life, our purpose, is to know God and love God. That comes first.

Sidewalk Prophets asks, "When did love become unmoving? When did love become unconsuming? Forgetting what the world has told me, Father of love, you can have me. You can have me!" Think about that for a minute. The world has told us love is a fleeting emotion, but God says otherwise. Love is actually a choice, a decision, to care for the other person, to give them the best, to make them better than yourself. So, despite everything that's going on, know God and love God.
When you feel like you need to fix or change something about yourself to be better, remember: your goal and purpose is not to please everyone else, it's not to become a better person, even. Your goal is to know God and love God. And love, by the way, is consuming and moving. Know God and love God and he will direct you. Trust in him and he will make your paths straight.

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