Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How God Changed My Mind

Earlier today I had every intention of finding a moment where I could speak to God one on one and tell him everything that was going on and how I felt about it. I was going to tell him about the person who had hurt my feelings, the "intense" stress I was going through, the immaturity I had encountered at one point, as well as my personal triumphs and the reasons I was better than someone else. It was going to be my rave and rant session with God.
But God had different plans. Very slowly, as I was finishing up my evening, God spoke to me. Instead of my ostentatious spiel about me, God revealed my need for selflessness. Here I was, focusing on everything I desired, everything I deserved, everything I needed God to do for me, and God said "Love me with everything you are and everything you have and love your neighbor more than you love yourself".
I was shocked. One part of me wanted to ask God how he could just command that from me. And then I realized he was... well, God. God's got a purpose and a plan and my concern for only myself cannot be used by God to bring good in and through my life.
It took me visiting the prayer room in my dorm, opening up to God, and seeing the need there was for genuine love amongst siblings in Christ for me to realize that I wasn't loving the way I should. There are so many hurting, spiritually hungry, exhausted, afraid, empty, lonely, and disappointed people in this world, both Christians and non-Christians. I have to be loving them.

One last thing, we cannot truly love by ourselves. Do you know how hard it is to love someone unconditionally? But if we open our hearts to God, he will love the people around us and show us how to love them in return. Just be willing and open to love those God puts in your path.

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