Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fellow Students...

Why do we walk so fast? I mean, we live on one of the most beautiful campuses in pretty much the entire world. If there wasn't a college on this land, it'd be a national park. Today, walking from chapel to my 11am class and from that class to lunch, I felt like I was seeing the trees and grass and butterflies and the sunshine (beautiful sunshine!) for the first time in my life. Everything seemed so amazingly real.
So, why, when going to and from classes, do we walk so stinkin' fast? Why do we look at our feet? Why do we avoid people? Why is it awkward to end up walking in step with someone, and why do we ignore them?
Why do we make it so hard to love? Because it's not hard. Yeah, we are surrounded by people who are seemingly unlovable. But if we really looked at and realized and understood and were captivated by God's unmeasurable and unbearable love for us, loving others would be a lot less difficult.

So walk slower, talk longer, hold the door open for another person... Life's only fun if you stop to dance in the roses (yeah, I know I just messed up that cliche). So chill out. Don't worry. Forgive immediately (and often). Trust a little more freely and talk a little more openly. Draw some boundary lines: not to keep anyone out, but to see who loves you enough to respect them. Don't give up. Ever.

And worship nothing and no one but God.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about fasting (or abstaining from something for a period of time) recently. Not only are we in the 3rd week of Lent (or 4th, depending on your church), but today is the first day of the April session of the Global Bridegroom Fast, which occurs on the first Monday-Wednesday of each month. I have several friends who are giving up various things in order to observe (and celebrate!) these times of fasting, such as junk food, shoes, Facebook, even talking! There is someone in our prayer room on campus for 36 hours straight, for the Global Bridegroom Fast.

I had the 6pm shift in the prayer room today, and I will meeting up with friends for the 10pm shift tomorrow and the 11pm shift on Wednesday. This morning in chapel, our campus pastor spoke about fasting and how Christians fast to dedicate time to God and to seek his face and his will more clearly. It's been a great day just learning about fasting and the freedom we have to give something to God.

And I suppose here is the point where I should comment on my personal interaction with fasting. I once wanted to participate in the 30-hour famine sponsored by World Vision, but I was cautioned against it, because I was a growing teenage girl. However, I did decide to give up other things as time went on. The week before Prom my senior year, I gave up Facebook for seven days. It was awesome. Since January 1st, 2011, other than the week of Spring Break, I have only had Coke and sweet Tea on the weekends. I turned off my Facebook chat the week before Lent. During Lent, I have chosen not to get on Facebook on Sundays. I've made small steps that have made a difference in who I am and how I spend my time.

I did not specifically give up anything for Lent this year, because I didn't feel God telling me to do so. That's the number one step of fasting: don't do it unless God tells you to do it. During chapel this morning, after being challenged to give up something and use that time to reconnect with God, our campus pastor gave us a brief moment to pray about it and ask God what he wanted us to do. During this time, friends of mine decided to fast from all food for three days and another friend received renewed dedication and peace about her original Lenten sacrifice, among other things. I, on the other hand, didn't feel or receive anything then, but it began to hit me later.

I love Lipton Green Tea. I realized it when I was almost late to class this morning because I had to put more bottles of green tea in my fridge so they would be cold when I wanted them. Because I'm not drinking coke and sweet tea, I drink water in the cafeteria and green tea in the dorm. So, how much green tea am I actually drinking on a daily basis?

I decided to give up green tea for the three days of the Global Bridegroom Fast. I will only be drinking water and milk during this time (and the 4 tablespoons of Cuban coffee my roommate gave me tonight). It's only Monday and I'm missing my green tea. But I know this will teach me something. I know that God placed this seemingly insignificant thing on my heart for a purpose. And I also know that God's going to start me with the little things, like Green Tea, before I can graduate to giving even more of me to God on a daily basis.

My challenge here is for you to consider what typically stands in between you and God. Or what do you spend a large portion of your time doing? Ask God what he wants to give up for a day, three days, a week, a month, six months, or longer. And do it. Do it if you have a specific prayer need you desire to bring before God. Do it if you want to focus more on an intimate fellowship with God.

Overwhelmed Only By His Love